Monitoring Anticorruption Policy Implementation (MACPI): Training manual

Cover MACPIThe MACPI methodology was initially developed by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) and University of Trento in 2014-2015 with the support of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Home Affairs. The main goal of MACPI is to assess, monitor and facilitate the enforcement of anti-corruption measures and policies at the level of individual public bodies. MACPI has already proven successful by auditing a number of public organizations in Italy, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Montenegro.

MACPI provides a periodic assessment of the coverage, the implementability, the implementation and the effectiveness of anticorruption policies by assessing the policies themselves through quantitative surveys among officials and experts. At the same time, levels of corruption pressure (both actual experiences and estimates) are monitored through conventional victimization surveys among both officials (employees) and “clients” of the respective institution. Finally, the answers of different groups of respondents are examined against each other.

MACPI is usually complemented by other tools like SCAD (State Capture Assessment Diagnostics), CMS (Corruption Monitoring System), etc.

The current manual is prepared under the R2G4P initiative, coordinated by the Center for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria and benefiting from a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation.

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