The main purpose of the manual is to introduce how data analytics can encourage good governance practices by highlighting the weaknesses of public procurement systems and by supporting independent corruption risk research. To achieve this, the document gives a step-by-step introduction to the analytical process of large-scale public procurement datasets. First, it briefly introduces the conceptual background of a generic public procurement process, while also highlighting its potential corruption risks. Second, it presents the most important aspects of creating an appropriate dataset for quantitative research. Finally, it presents a group of rigorously tested and validated Corruption Risk Indicators (CRIs), created by the Government Transparency Institute (GTI), that are equipped to measure the corruption risks of public procurements. Additionally, the manual also introduces the Opentedner website, which was created to provide comprehensive public procurement information free of charge in an easy-to-use format.
The manual can assist R2G4P partner institutions as well as independent researchers to successfully execute large-scale quantitative research. It also provides thorough information on the availability of complete data sets and risk indicators that can be accessed and used by every interested party.