CSD Brief No 26: Organised Crime and Corruption: National Characteristics and Policies of the EU Member-States

e078d70eb1The European Commission (EC) contracted the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) to analyse the links between organised crime and corruption. The main objectives of the study were to identify:

  • causes and factors that engender corruption by organised crime (including white-collar criminals)
  • the scope and the impact of that corruption on society and institutions;
  • organised crime’s main corruption schemes, the areas or risks they create, and the related differences amongst European Union (EU) Member States (MS);
  • best practices in prevention and countering corruption linked to organized crime; framework for a future assessment of trends in the link between organized crime and corruption, as well as corresponding counter measures.

Full text (Adobe PDF, 252 KB)

Round Table: Corruption without Boundaries: The Link between Corruption and Organized Crime in the EU

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