The report is based on the findings of the SELDI Corruption Monitoring System (CMS), which was implemented for the first time in Macedonia in 2001 as part of the Comparative Analysis of Corruption in South East Europe implemented by the network of civil society organizations Southeast Leadership for Development and Integrity – SELDI. The United Nations (UN) have recognized the CMS as the system containing the best practices for monitoring of corruption at national level. The system is in line with the UN victimization approach to measuring te administrative corruption levels. It is based on various sources of information and combines quantitative and qualitative methods for monitoring and evaluation.
Research findings suggest that corruption perceptions have remained unaltered compared to 2014 and that corruption pressure levels and victimization deteriorated since. The Macedonian public does not perceive corruption as one of the main problems in the country and remains to be prone to accepting corruption as a social norm. Deterioration was noted in almost all analyzed segments, i.e citizens are increasingly experiencing corruption pressure and consequently engage in corrupt activities. If in 2014, 21.5% of citizens gave bribe, in 2016 that share increased to 29%. One can note that the “involvement” expands faster than the “pressure”, which leads to an increase in the number of people who succumb to corruption pressure.
Full text of the Report (Adobe PDF, 505 KB, in Macedonian)
Macedonian Corruption Assessment Report 2014
Presentation of the Macedonian Corruption Assessment Report, 30 August 2016, Skopje