Corruption is a global phenomenon. In a given state, it may take different forms and dimensions, depending on socio-economic conditions or the nature of its institutions. It has rapidly spread in developing countries, particularly hitting hard those struggling to transition from centralised to market-led economies, or those emerging from violent conflicts. Kosovo is one such example. Situated in a region where democratic processes and the creation of a society with transparent and accountable institutions are being hampered by the phenomenon, Kosovo has continuously tried, mainly unsuccessfully, to take corruption under control.
The results of the survey portray a particularly worrisome picture with regard to public perception of corruption in Kosovo, showing that the majority of people consider many sectors of society and segments of government to be tainted with corruption.
Riinvest Institute is publishing this study as its second issue of the Corruption Assessment Report series, implemented through the collaboration of the South-eastern European Leadership (SELDI). SELDI is an anti-corruption and good governance coalition involving partners from nine countries of the region on the basis of joint strategy.
Full text of the report (Adobe PDF, 605 KB, in English)
Full text of the report (Adobe PDF, 552 KB, in Albanian)