Corruption Assessment Report Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014

70ca666851The Corruption Assessment Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina builds on the local insight of the Center for Investigative Reporting in Sarajevo, and the experience of the Center for the Study of Democracy in the monitoring of corruption and anti-corruption in Europe.

The report’s findings are based on the Corruption Monitoring System, a state of the art tool for monitoring the dynamics of corruption at national level. In addition, the report draws on the latest international studies and surveys to put cor¬ruption levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina into a perspective.

The authors of the report underline that despite years of reform, involvement of international community and donor support, widespread corruption remains a major problem in BiH undermining any substantive reforms that would lead to the establishment of a functional and viable state. Corruption is widespread throughout the public and private sector and is present at the highest levels of government and politics. The close interconnection between political elites and their associated oligarchies, whose interests prevail over those of the public, ranks BiH among countries characterized by extensive “state capture”.

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Presentation of the Corruption Assessment Report for Bosna and Herzegovina, 9 December 2014

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