Civil Society Strategy and Joint Strategic Programme for Good Governance and Anti-Corruption in SEE 2020

332e3a0f3cThe Civil Society Strategy and Joint Strategic Programme for Good Governance and Anti-Corruption in SEE 2020 describes the current and desired future role of the civil society from the Southeast Europe region in implementing anti-corruption measures. It is the result of a consultation process between members of the SELDI coalition and stakeholders in the region, including other CSOs, government institutions, and regional organisations. It aims to present both a wider strategy for civil society in SEE in anti-corruption and SELDI’s programme until 2020.

Reducing corruption requires relevant institution-building measures and creating the social preconditions for establishing the rule of law. In that context, CSOs in the region can contribute by triangulating their efforts through finding a common platform with reformist minded local politicians and state institutions and regional, European and international stakeholders to work on anti-corruption monitoring, prevention, and prosecution. This is a daunting task for CSOs in a region strapped of public finances and low on private sector capacity and initiative. In addition, governments and radical local political groups have become increasingly assertive in labelling CSOs, which receive funding primarily from US but also in some cases from European donor as agents of foreign influence, seeking to reduce their impact capacity. One way to overcome this local hostility is to engage in cross-country joint action and know-how exchange in good governance and anti-corruption. Initiatives such as the Southeast Europe Leadership for Development and Integrity (SELDI) gather leading CSOs in the area to help build upon existing and create new opportunities for improving governance and anti-corruption.


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