Infographic: State Capture levels in the Western Balkans

infographic state capture coverSELDI’s State Capture Assessment Diagnostics (SCAD) results reveal that multiple economic sectors in the region show symptoms which can potentially be attributed to state capture. Albania and Serbia rank the worst across all six Western Balkans countries for most of the indicators, especially on the critical proxy for state capture: private interest bias. However, ineffective anti-corruption policies at the level of public organisations are a problem in all of these countries. Anti-corruption policies are deemed especially ineffective in construction-related public institutions in Albania and North Macedonia, in labour inspectorates in BiH, North Macedonia and Serbia, in media-related public organisations in Kosovo* and Serbia, and in mobility and transport and agriculture-related authorities in Albania. Energy, customs, tax authorities, privatisation, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, procurement, and local governance are also among the areas that highlight the high ineffectiveness of anti-corruption policies in multiple Western Balkan countries.

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