Energy Governance Fact Sheet: Kosovo

c4a296cc23The current fact sheet presents summarized information on key energy sector governance challenges, state of electricity sector liberalisation, financial ratios of leading energy  companies and progress of energy acquis implementation. The data is based on the SELDI Regional Energy Governance and State Capture Assessment Report (2016), the European Energy Community Progress Report (2015) and the Progress Report on the Implementation of the Energy Acquis of the European Energy Community  (2015). The authors make several policy recommendations:

• Establish the financial independence of the ERO from the executive.
• Include in the law specific articles regarding the independence of the national regulatory authority and the selection
procedures of the regulator’s board members.
• The financial management of KEK should be improved, establishing a functioning control system and creating a transparency
in revenue management.
• Improve the functioning of the Competition Agency.


Energy Governance Fact Sheet: Kosovo (Adobe PDF, 89 KB, in English)

Energy Governance Fact Sheet: Kosovo (Adobe PDF, 91 KB, in Kosovar/Albanian)

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