Working Meeting: Preparing the Macedonian Anti-corruption Program

On 3-4 September 2013, a working meeting between experts from the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) and Macedonian partners from Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) and the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” was held at the MCIC’s premises in Skopje, Macedonia. The meeting was part of the Southeast Europe Leadership for Development and Integration (SELDI) project in Macedonia and served as a preparation for the launch of the Corruption Monitoring System (CMS) training and the implementation of the Macedonian Corruption Assessment Report (MCAR), part of the Macedonian Anticorruption Program of USAIDMacedonia. Among the main topics discussed at the meeting were technical and organizational specifics about the nature of CMS in Macedonia and in other SEE countries including details about time and format of the first survey, resources required, and methodological components such as questionnaire characteristics and overall rationale behind the study. In addition, general background of assessing corruption in Macedonia were discussed with main focus on details about comprehensive measurement of the penetration of corruption in the country’s economy and society plus instructions on analysis of domestic legal and institutional environment for combating corruption, e.g. specific corruption divisions of law enforcement institutions, judicial system, state administration apparatus, etc. Finally, specifics about the content and construction of the MCAR were also discussed between CSD and the local experts.

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