Regional Forum on Effective Prevention of Corruption through Risk Assessment

The participants at the Regional Forum on Effective Prevention of Corruption through Risk Assessment, 25-26 October 2017, Ljubljana

Over 60 experts from ministries of justice, anti-corruption bodies and non-governmental organisations from South East Europe (SEE), gathered in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 25-26 October 2017 to discuss the implementation of corruption risk assessments (CRA) and corruption proofing of legislation (CPL) across the region. The participants reviewed the patterns of corruption in society and focused on specific corruption-related occurrences in SEE economies.

The forum, organized by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI), in cooperation with SELDI, made important contributions for enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of corruption proofing and risks assessments. It remains essential that authorities look out for the three key legislative risks: lack of sanctions; excessive discretion and ambiguity of language. Though public authorities in SEE still encounter multiple risks and challenges, including lack of awareness, low human resources capacity, legal deadlocks, etc., good practices prevail. A notable example is the case of Moldova, which has had positive experience implementing strong CRA methodology and producing tangible results. Other positive trends discussed included: top-down approaches for identifying corruption risks, integrity plans, sectoral Anti-Corruption Plans, prepared as result of the CRA, and risk assessment methodologies used in the private sector.

In a separate panel discussion, SELDI presented its experience and future plans, seeking to deepen its public-private cooperation with public authorities across the region. During the upcoming four years the coalition aims to further its policy impact not only on national and region levels, but also locally, enhancing the capacity of grassroots organizations to influence the decision-making process. SELDI will continue to apply its, already recognized by national and local actors, corruption monitoring instruments, while focusing on enforcement of anti-corruption policies at institutional level and on the assessment of emerging threats, most notably the state capture phenomenon.

For additional information on the main conclusion and topics, discussed during the conference, visit the official webpages of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI). For more insight into the CRA and CPL methodologies, developed and implemented by the RCC and RAI, see Anti-Corruption Assessment of Laws in South East Europe (‘Corruption Proofing’) and Corruption Risk Assessment in Public Institutions in South East Europe – Comparative Research and Methodology.


Agenda (Adobe PDF, 619 KB)

Presentation by Stefan Karaboev, Analyst, SELDI / Center for the Study of Democracy (Adobe PDF, 565 KB)
Presentation by Faola Hodaj, Project Coordinator, Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Albania (Adobe PDF, 944 KB)
Presentation by Misha Popovic, Project coordinator and Researcher at Institute for Democracy ‘Societas Civilis’ Skopje (IDSCS) (Adobe PDF, 565 KB)



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