Regional Anti-Corruption Conference for South Eastern European Countries

On 9-10 December 2013 a Regional Anti-Corruption Conference for South Eastern European Countries took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The event marked the 10th anniversary of the adoption and opening for signature of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and was organized by UNODC and the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in partnership with the Regional Center for Europe and CIS of UNDP in Bratislava and the European Commission.

The objective of the conference was to review anti-corruption efforts, policies and strategies in the South Eastern European states, enhance information exchange and dissemination of good practices.

Three representatives from the SELDI Initiative (Center for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria; Institute Alternative, Montenegro; Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC), Republic of Macedonia) took part in the conference and provided the main inputs to the discussion on the part of the civil society organisations. As a follow-up to the conference SELDI will work with the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative, UNODC and UNDP to come up with joint proposals for tackling corruption and improving good governance in the region.

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