Open Call for Mid-term Evaluation of the SELDI Initiative

The SELDI initiative is looking for an expert in the area of good governance, anti-corruption and the rule of law, who would perform the mid-term evaluation of the initiative covering the period 10 May 2018 – 9 May 2020. The mid-term evaluation should assess the achieved impact, the level of CSOs involvement and the acceptance of the provided policy recommendations. The evaluation report should not be more than 15 pages, without the annexes (current values of the target indicators).

The evaluator should assess several impact indicators, for example:

  • Policy recommendations developed and provided to the stakeholders / policy-makers;
  • Number of contacted/consulted stakeholders and number of institutions per country approached and engaged with policy change;
  • Sustainability achieved through activities financed by other donors (number of proposals and newly funded projects on similar or related topics);
  • etc.

The evaluation should be based on:

  • statistical information gathered throughout the project’s implementation (produced deliverables, number of meetings with policy-makers, established collaborations, number and type of participants at events, social media visibility) and
  • interviews (telephone or skype) with the project coordinator and the project partners to assess their policy impact and capacity development as result of the project, as well as complement any missing statistical information.

The offer should contain:

  • Expert’s CV with references from previous assignments;
  • Financial offer.

However, the consultant should be aware that the Contracting Authority may request the provision of supporting documents to confirm the statements given in the CVs and respective documents.

The maximum budget foreseen for this assignment is €1.500.

Applications must be submitted in electronic version in English vie email to:

Deadline for submission of application is 17:00 Central European Time on 24.07.2020 (Friday), as evidenced on the e-mail server. Any application received after this deadline will not be considered.

Read the full Terms of Reference (Adobe PDF, 418 KB)

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