Representatives of six SELDI members took part in the Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on the United Nations Convention against Corruption and its Review Mechanism, held on 20-23 September 2016 in Vienna, Austria. Ms Jasna Panjeta, Programme and Outreach Officer, Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative, Ms Daniela Mineva, SELDI Secretariat, Center for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria, Ms Marija Sazdevski, Project Associate at the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, Mr. Ermin Zatega, Center for Investigative Reporting, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms Galina Bostan, President, Centre for the Analysis and Prevention of Corruption, Moldova and Mr. Sotiraq Hroni, Director of the Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Albania learned about the possibilities for cooperation between governments and civil society organizations (CSOs) in implementing the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and its second review cycle. The workshop brought together 63 experts from 18 African and Southeast countries. The participants engaged in plenary sessions, structured discussions and practical group exercises based on country review simulation and role reversal. The speakers underlined that UN Convention against Corruption is the only legally binding, universal, anti-corruption instrument. Its Article 13 specifically calls on society, including the CSOs, to actively participate in combating corruption.