SELDI has been founded by a group of 15 civil society partner organisations and 2 associated partners from Southeast Europe.
Together they employ more than 180 staff – potentially the biggest anti-corruption and good governance think and action tank in the region. Partner organisations serve as “network mobilisers” liaising with other stakeholders and CSOs. SELDI is part of a larger network of 18 networks supported under the Civil Society Facility of the EU’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, which provides a large potential for further synergies in countering corruption in the region.
The three key elements of the SELDI governance structure are:
- Steering Committee: including representative from each SELDI partner. The Committee is the highest strategic and decision-making body which ensures an efficient management of the coalition.
- International Advisory Board: an external advisory body formed on invitation by 10 distinguished anti-corruption leaders, researchers and professionals, who provide strategic guidance and advice.
- Project Director: one senior manager from the lead partner responsible for the overall coordination of the project and liaising with the EC.
- Project Coordinator: one manager at the lead partner responsible for day-to-day management and reporting.
- Project Secretariat: administrative and financial assistants at the lead partner form SELDI’s institutional anchor.